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Future Rhetors,
Are you ready for this thrilling ride?
"Life is one big roller coaster ride. It has its own ups and downs and you can never expect or prepare for the situations that life takes you through."
- Anonymous

Fun Facts:

  • That chain noise you hear on the ride up the hill is actually a safety device.

  • the U.S. is home to 6 of the 10 world's fastest roller coasters.

  • Most roller coasters do not have engines- they move through potential energy into kinetic energy. 

                       Taking English 130 Hybrid course with Professor Gill-Mayberry is very much like a roller coaster ride. It is a class that will help you grow and prepare for the future with a bonus-- an unforgettable memory of the adventure to bring along with you. This course can be compared to a roller coaster ride for many reasons. 

                         First, there are roller coaster rides that are built to give people "the thrill". Some people are scared of heights and are not willing to take risky and thrilling rides at theme parks. This ride can be compared to English 130 because some people might be scared to take the course because it is a fast pace class. Similar to rides that look intimidating based on how it is designed, some students might believe that this class is too risky to take because of the course load, the professor’s expectations and what others say about it. Yes, this class is very challenging and sometimes can be difficult, but it is worth taking the risk because of the many lessons that can be applied in the future. 

                         Second, roller coasters have drops, loops, twists and turns. Similar to roller coasters, this course will have its times when you feel like you are falling because of the pressure from the many assignments. But just like many rides, at the end of the drop, it is always a fun-learning experience. To avoid feeling pressured from class work and homework, you must not procrastinate and work on finishing your assignments on time. 

                          Third, just like all roller coasters, this class is given “attendants” (Teacher Assistants) to prepare you for the ride. The attendants of roller coasters make certain that each passenger is buckled up and ready to take the adventure. This is very similar to Teacher Assistants because they prepare each student to have the best rewrites before they present their paper to the professor and eventually, to the members of the tribunal.  

                          Lastly, when it comes to enjoying the ride, it is up to the riders if they choose to have fun or not. In English 130, students decide whether or not they want to enjoy the class. Professor Gill-Mayberry does her best to ask students to participate in her verbal lectures by making jokes and engaging with her students, but if one chooses not to participate, then it is their choice to not have fun.

                          Once again, yours truly would like to welcome you in English 130 with professor Gill-Mayberry. Wishing you success in all drops, loops, twists and turns you go through in this course!

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